Aline Wirz an den CrossFit Semi Finals!

Aline Wirz at the CrossFit Semi Finals!

CrossFit Semifinals 2023

7 Workouts in 3 Days.

What a performance by Aline!

 On the weekend of 2 - 4 March the CrossFit Semifinals took place in Berlin. Our athlete Aline Wirz represented cross equip at this event with excellence! During this 3-day event, 60 women in Europe and 300 around the world competed in 7 different workouts in hopes of qualifying for the CrossFit Games.

The Workouts

Workout 1 was a rather long workout with a time cap of 30'. For a short time, some strength was needed to pull the weight, but the rest of the time on the bike required a lot of endurance.


Workout 2 started with a ring muscle up complex. Since this itself is not already heavy enough, the athletes also had to carry a backpack during the entire workout. Finally, the goal was to complete as many burpees as possible.


Workout 3 demanded quite a bit of strength. Even though the high number of reps also made me breathe a bit, this workout was more of a test of strength than a marathon.


Workout 4 put the athletes' weightlifting skills to the test. They had to move as much weight as possible in one movement over their heads. And that after an 800m sprint.


Workout 5 was almost, Workout 4 mirrored. After a 2' minute break from Workout 4, the athletes had to complete 8 snatches and then an 800m sprint.


Workout 6 was a very colorful workout. Cardio machines and gymnastics movements made this workout very interesting. Time they had for this workout was 15' min.


The final event was a total of 3 rounds of Cardio, Gymnastics & Strongmen. A very interesting sprint.



Workout 1: Platz Nr. 21
Workout 2: Platz Nr. 9!
Workout 3: Platz Nr. 55
Workout 4: Platz Nr. 53
Workout 5: Platz Nr. 31
Workout 6: Platz Nr. 42
Workout 7: Platz Nr. 24

Schlussendlich endete Aline auf Platz Nr. 30 von Europa. Was sie zu ihrem Wochenende sagt, folgt:

Aline Wirz

Alines Impressions

 I came to Berlin knowing that my goal for this year had been achieved. Anything I wanted to accomplish at seeding would be a bonus. Still, as an ultra-competitive person, I had many ups and downs throughout the weekend. It was a huge roller coaster! Not everything went exactly as I had hoped, I got sick when I arrived in Germany, my energy deteriorated over the course of the weekend, some workouts that I had done very well in training went poorly....but that's all part of the game! And above all, despite everything, I have an unforgettable memory of this weekend in me. It was the greatest competition I have participated in to this day. Standing next to the women I've watched go above and beyond at the CrossFit Games over the past few years is an unexplainable feeling.

 There were also very powerful moments, like the one where I won my Heat in Workout 2 with the weighted RMUs. Or a moment that could have been one of my worst memories, but actually turned out to be enlightening for me.... On Workout 6, the seated legless rope climb, my head wanted to go much further, but my body said stop. I couldn't do it anymore. I searched the audience for glimpses of my relatives who had supported me in Berlin, afraid that I would see disappointment there.... But I saw exactly the opposite. They supported me and pushed me even more.

 The weekend was like a roller coaster ride. I arrived hungry and left hungry....

Je suis venue à Berlin en sachant que mon objectif de cette année était atteint. Tout ce que j'allais faire aux semis allait être du bonus. Malgré cela, en tant que personne ultra compétitive, j'ai eu beaucoup de hauts et de bas tout au long du weekend. Un énorme roller coaster ! Tout ne s'est pas déroulé exactement comme je l'aurais espéré, je suis tombée malade en arrivant en Allemagne, mon énergie s'est dégradée au fil du weekend, certains workouts que j'avais très bien réussi à l'entraînement se sont mal déroulés....mais tout cela fait partie du jeu ! Et surtout, malgré cela, je garde en moi un souvenir inoubliable de ce weekend. C'était la plus grosse compétition que j'ai fait jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Être à côté des femmes que j'ai regardé se transcender aux CrossFit games les dernières années est un sentiment inexplicable.   Il y a également eu des moments très puissants comme celui où j'ai gagné mon heat lors du workout 2 avec les RMU lestés. Ou encore un moment qui aurait pu être un de mes pires souvenirs qui s'est en réalité avéré être révélateur pour moi... Lors du workout 6, avec les seated legless rope climb, malgré que ma tête voulait allait bien plus loin, mon corps a dit stop. Je n'arrivais plus. J'ai cherché dans le public le regard de mes proches qui sont venus me soutenir à Berlin, en ayant peur d'y voir de la déception... Mais j'ai vu tout l'inverse. Ils m'ont soutenu et poussé encore plus.  Ce weekend a été un véritable roller coaster. Je suis arrivée en en ayant faim, et je repars en étant affamée...
cross equip



 Many congratulations. We are very proud of your performance and effort. We hope you had as much fun at this competition as we did watching. Supporting you means a lot to us and we can't wait to see you back on the competition floor.

 Your cross equip Team!

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