Exciting news from our athletes
The last few weeks have been very eventful for Sina & & Aline.
Let our power women convince you!
Aline Wirz
The Swiss Championships
On the weekend of June 24th and 25th, our athlete Aline Wirz took part in the "Swiss Functional Fitness Championships". She competed against strong athletes such as Nicole Heer and Mirjam von Rohr. Thanks to her absolute top performance this weekend, Aline can now call herself the Swiss Champion in "Swiss Functional Fitness". Not only did she secure the title of Swiss Champion, but she also qualified for the World Championships in Oslo. What a great performance by Aline!
The European Championships
Just one week after her impressive performance at the Swiss Championships, Aline did the impossible and wrote an unprecedented chapter in the history of Functional Fitness. At the European Championships in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary, which took place from June 30 to July 2, 2023, she beat out the top competition and left all the female athletes behind. Despite the daunting challenge of completing six demanding workouts in a narrow window of just two hours, Aline demonstrated outstanding physical and mental strength.
It was a victory that left no room for doubt: Aline is one of the best Functional Fitness athletes in Europe, if not the world. Her performance in Zalaegerszeg sent an unmistakable signal to her competitors. The entire cross equip team is beside itself with pride and congratulates Aline on this impressive triumph. What a breathtaking performance - congratulations, Aline! You have inspired us all with your strength, courage and determination..

Sina Härtel
From June 23rd to 25th it was time again for Sina Härtel! She started at the French Throwdown in Paris in the category "Rx Women". In 6 challenging workouts Sina gave her best and finished 16th in her category after three days.
It was a very instructive weekend for Sina, as she reports:
"The weekend of the French Throwdown was marked by many different emotions for me."
Anticipation, nervousness, frustration, hope, doubt and happiness. Just to name a few.
I traveled to Versaille with a lot of anticipation and enthusiasm. After being allowed to compete on the team last year, I was highly motivated to compete on my own this year. I am incredibly proud to have qualified. I finally have the chance to compete with the best athletes in Europe.
The French Throwdown is my first big individual competition, so I was pretty nervous going into it.
The day I arrived, I was ready and full of energy. However, I quickly realized that I was not the only one who had trained hard and well over the past year. The very heavy weights in the workouts, coupled with my rather small frame, brought me back down to earth. The first two days were filled with frustration and self-doubt. Fortunately, I was able to finish the weekend with good performances and positive thoughts on the third day.
I learned a lot this weekend and my motivation is higher than ever."
We are so proud of you, Sina! Your development over the last few months is an inspiration to us and we are looking forward to the upcoming competitions!
Watch Sina's competition again.