From a light thought to a heavy truck
YUMU was born from a daring thought and a crazy idea. A revolutionary new outdoor fitness concept with a very special flagship: Switzerland's first functional fitness truck.
But right from the start. Once upon a time there was corona. The pandemic has forced fitness freaks to move their workouts outside into the fresh air. And quite a few have acquired a taste for it. They want to continue ‘working out’ outdoors. After all, exercising outside in all weathers is a very special fitness experience - especially when you work out in a small group. The world of work has also changed fundamentally as a result of the pandemic. Hybrid and flexible working (time) models are no longer the exception, but the rule. And it is precisely these new needs and framework conditions that YUMU takes into account. With the mobile fitness truck, they offer crisp functional outdoor workouts at the best locations and close to outdoor functional fitness lovers. With qualified fitness trainers, they ensure first-class training support. And of course, the truck has everything you need to get in shape.
The start-up YUMU means ‘You Move’ and stands for a new concept for outdoor training.With their functional fitness truck, they travel to a wide variety of locations and get the athletes sweating.The deployable truck contains all the necessary equipment for up to ten people to train at the same time - even in bad weather.

The goal and offer
The main aim of YUMU is to bring the training to the people and not the other way round, as in a normal fitness centre. The prerequisite is that people form groups of up to ten people. YUMU is therefore completely independent of any infrastructure. Solar panels on the folding roof of the truck make the vehicle independent of a stationary power supply.
On the YUMU you will find two different workouts, which also differ in terms of intensity and difficulty: YUMU Cross ist ein intensives und überaus effektives Functional Training mit dem Ziel, die verschiedenen Domänen der Fitness ausgewogen zu fördern und zu verbessern. Thanks to the scalability of functional movements, Cross is suitable for all fitness levels and ages.
YUMU Bootcamp is a training programme in which mainly self-weight exercises are combined and performed at high intensity (HIIT). Es handelt sich um ein umfassendes Kraft- und Konditionstraining mit klarem Fokus auf Cardio, das sich für Jung und Alt sowie für jedes Fitnesslevel eignet.

cross equip as a suitable partner
YUMU is extremely pleased to have cross equip as a partner and equipment professional at its side who not only understands its requirements, but also supports it with innovative ideas for further development and optimisation. Despite the limited space available in the truck, it is important to YUMU not to compromise on the choice and quality of the equipment. Due to the year-round outdoor training, the equipment is exposed to extreme loads. That is why the choice of supplier was crucial for them.
This is precisely why it is important to us to offer individual support even for unusual projects and to realise them together. Close and personal advice is a matter close to our hearts. It is important to us that we can realise such projects in an uncomplicated and optimal way. Cross equip helps with the planning and realisation of individual projects and knows what to look out for. Customer satisfaction and appropriate advice are extremely important to us.

YUMU is looking for you
Would you also like to make people sweat with the fitness truck?
For the first Functional Fitness Truck, YUMU is looking for highly motivated and committed fitness trainers from the Zurich Oberland or Lake Zurich area who want to build up and establish the YUMU training experience in their hood on their own account.
Are you interested? Contact directly at YUMU.

Eigene Produktidee?
Do you also have a project that needs to be realised? Don't hesitate and get in touch with us!