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Eco Pegboard 1.2m

Eco Pegboard 1.2m

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Regular price CHF 72.00
CHF 72.00 Regular price CHF 120.00 Sale price



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  • Eco Pegboard 1.2 m - The affordable climbing board for everyone

    No matter whether in climbing halls, CrossFit boxes or at home. Pegboards have been an integral part of the past few years. There is also a good reason for this, because the climbing boards from climbing sport also have great advantages for other athletes, from cross-fitter to handball players. If you want to promote your strength and endurance and have a lot of fun, the cross equip Eco Pegboard 1.2 m is ideal for you.

    But that is not enough. After all, training with the climbing board also trains grip strength and inter- and intramuscular coordination, which benefits both health and performance in almost every sport. And best of all: the cross equip Eco version is available at a low price.


    Our Eco Pegboard - the climbing wall in small format

    In order to achieve big goals, the simplest means are often the best. With regard to holistic upper body training, this also applies to the cross equip Eco Pegboard. The board itself is made of high quality wood and thanks to its dimensions of 120 x 30 x 4 cm it can be installed almost anywhere to save space. Due to its thickness of 4 cm and its own weight of 10 kg, it can withstand even heavy training loads.

    Our Eco Pegboard 1.2 m has a total of 23 holes, which are distributed at different intervals on the board. A wide variety of pull and grip exercises as well as complex movements are possible. The matching handles are also included. With dimensions of 16.5 x 3 cm, they offer sufficient grip for small and large hands.


    Multifunctional course for functional training

    The scope of delivery includes four fastening anchors with which the Eco Pegboard can be attached to the wall either vertically or horizontally. Once attached to the wall, the training tool is not only suitable for static holding exercises and various pull-up options.

    In combination with other pegboards such as the 2.4 meter long version of our Eco Pegboard or the particularly high-quality High Grade Pegboard 1.2 m, sophisticated functional fitness courses can be put together. Thanks to our pegboard selection, there are hardly any limits to your own ideas.

    Tip: Since more than 100 kilograms often hang from the anchoring in practice, the load-bearing capacity should be checked before installation. We also recommend the use of a fall protection mat below the pegboard.
  • Brand
    cross equip
    20.0 kg
  • Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review

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Eco Pegboard 1.2 m - The affordable climbing board for everyone

No matter whether in climbing halls, CrossFit boxes or at home. Pegboards have been an integral part of the past few years. There is also a good reason for this, because the climbing boards from climbing sport also have great advantages for other athletes, from cross-fitter to handball players. If you want to promote your strength and endurance and have a lot of fun, the cross equip Eco Pegboard 1.2 m is ideal for you.

But that is not enough. After all, training with the climbing board also trains grip strength and inter- and intramuscular coordination, which benefits both health and performance in almost every sport. And best of all: the cross equip Eco version is available at a low price.


Our Eco Pegboard - the climbing wall in small format

In order to achieve big goals, the simplest means are often the best. With regard to holistic upper body training, this also applies to the cross equip Eco Pegboard. The board itself is made of high quality wood and thanks to its dimensions of 120 x 30 x 4 cm it can be installed almost anywhere to save space. Due to its thickness of 4 cm and its own weight of 10 kg, it can withstand even heavy training loads.

Our Eco Pegboard 1.2 m has a total of 23 holes, which are distributed at different intervals on the board. A wide variety of pull and grip exercises as well as complex movements are possible. The matching handles are also included. With dimensions of 16.5 x 3 cm, they offer sufficient grip for small and large hands.


Multifunctional course for functional training

The scope of delivery includes four fastening anchors with which the Eco Pegboard can be attached to the wall either vertically or horizontally. Once attached to the wall, the training tool is not only suitable for static holding exercises and various pull-up options.

In combination with other pegboards such as the 2.4 meter long version of our Eco Pegboard or the particularly high-quality High Grade Pegboard 1.2 m, sophisticated functional fitness courses can be put together. Thanks to our pegboard selection, there are hardly any limits to your own ideas.

Tip: Since more than 100 kilograms often hang from the anchoring in practice, the load-bearing capacity should be checked before installation. We also recommend the use of a fall protection mat below the pegboard.